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When voting to close and migrate to another site, how can I add another site? [duplicate]

When voting to close (or in such cases migrate) a question: Community specific What site does this question belong on? Here one site is given, but I would like to ...
Mark Johnson's user avatar
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Flagging post as "should be closed because the topic belongs to another site in the Stack Exchange network" offers a very limited list of sites [duplicate]

Stack Exchange users have the ability to flag a post to be closed because the post at hand has content that doesn't fit into the topic-range covered by the given Stack Exchange site. The dialog that ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
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other SE boards selection list when moving questions [duplicate]

I wanted to close "" and suggest move to but the other sites choices did not contain the ...
wilx's user avatar
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Voting to close as Off Topic and Belongs on Another SE Site Now Requires A Choice?

Sorry to add to what will surely be a stream of questions about the "on hold" stuff, but... Previously, when I voted to put a question on hold as Off Topic, it presented me a list of other SE sites, ...
joran's user avatar
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Can you see history of off topic close votes?

I'm not sure if there are still problems with off topic votes, but I'm pretty sure I cast an off-topic vote with suggestion to migrate to superuser, and yet the question just got closed as off topic. ...
Roger Rowland's user avatar
3 votes
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Why am I sometimes not allowed to select an off-topic migration destination? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Closing question as off-topic has no options to move to another site (main SO) I've noticed this a lot recently, that when there are already close votes on a question, it ...
animuson's user avatar
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Migration to TeX.SE

Since the addition of a Close -> Off-Topic -> Belongs on TeX.SE migration path (see ...), I've been flagging appropriate posts (tagged latex, tex and pdflatex mostly) using this method. However, many ...
Werner's user avatar
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Bandwagon effect in close votes

I have suspected this for a while, because in the review queue I often see questions people have voted to close as "not constructive" that several people have marked as "not a real question", and ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
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If I vote to migrate, does it appear in the pending flags list?

I have just voted to migrate PHP unlink() deleting file user has no permission to to ServerFault because it seems to me that this is where it belongs, based on the comment exchange on the question. ...
David X. Random's user avatar
2 votes
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I messed up my close vote...and now I can't say it should be migrated from StackOverflow to Programmers

I don't have a lot of experience closing questions, so maybe this is just me being a newbie, but I'm a little bit confused. I just voted to close the following question:
devuxer's user avatar
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How do I migrate a question to a site which is not listed in close window? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Move to any site? More options when flagging for migration When I select Off topic option in Vote to close it shows only few options. I know that this question belong to ...
Padma Kumar's user avatar
5 votes
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Migrate loop - SU - SF - SO

This original question was asked on superuser: Developing online invoicing and inventory application. It then got migrated to serverfault, primarily because the asker talked about "his clients" ...
Josh K's user avatar
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Closing/Migrating question instructions/guidance [closed]

What does it mean to "close" a question? How/when can I vote to close questions? When should I vote to close questions? When should I not vote to close questions?