When I was going through my suggested edit history, I found the following stat oddity:
As you can see, I have 1,707 suggested edits in total (which is correct), but according to my reviewer stats, I only have 933!
The odder thing is that when I look at a review audit, that number shows up correctly!
What's going on?
EDIT: This appears to not be a client-caching issue; this is the response from the server for this suggested edit (the field of interest being "moreInstructions":
"instructions":"<div class=\"review-status\">\r\n <strong>\r\n<span style=\"color: #0A0;\">Approved</span> <span title=\"2015-02-27 00:28:45Z\" class=\"relativetime\">15 hours ago</span>: </strong>\r\n </div> \r\n <div class=\"review-results\">\r\n <a href=\"/users/899126/chrisforrence\" class=\"comment-user\">ChrisForrence</a> reviewed this <span title=\"2015-02-27 00:28:45Z\" class=\"relativetime\">15 hours ago</span>: <b>Approve</b>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"review-results\">\r\n <a href=\"/users/3208640/farhang-amary-ferh%c4%99g\" class=\"comment-user\">Farhang Amary 'Ferhęg'</a> reviewed this <span title=\"2015-02-27 00:23:25Z\" class=\"relativetime\">15 hours ago</span>: <b>Reject</b>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"rejection-reason cool\">This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability.</div>\r\n <div class=\"review-results\">\r\n <a href=\"/users/609087/keety\" class=\"comment-user\">keety</a> reviewed this <span title=\"2015-02-27 00:15:52Z\" class=\"relativetime\">15 hours ago</span>: <b>Approve</b>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"review-results\">\r\n <a href=\"/users/1907093/jonathan-crowe\" class=\"comment-user\">Jonathan Crowe</a> reviewed this <span title=\"2015-02-27 00:05:09Z\" class=\"relativetime\">15 hours ago</span>: <b>Approve</b>\r\n </div>",
"moreInstructions":"<p><strong>Reviewer Stats</strong></p>\r\n <ul>\r\n\r\n\r\n <li><a href=\"https://stackoverflow.com/users/899126/chrisforrence\">ChrisForrence</a> has approved 960 edit suggestions and rejected 5 edit suggestions</li>\r\n\r\n <li><a href=\"https://stackoverflow.com/users/3208640/farhang-amary-ferh%c4%99g\">Farhang Amary 'Ferhęg'</a> has approved 7 edit suggestions and rejected 28 edit suggestions</li>\r\n\r\n <li><a href=\"https://stackoverflow.com/users/609087/keety\">keety</a> has approved 126 edit suggestions and rejected 14 edit suggestions</li>\r\n\r\n <li><a href=\"https://stackoverflow.com/users/1907093/jonathan-crowe\">Jonathan Crowe</a> has approved 79 edit suggestions and rejected 6 edit suggestions</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <p><strong>Editor Stats</strong></p>\r\n <ul>\r\n\r\n <li><a href=\"https://stackoverflow.com/users/4476153/fizz-binn\">Fizz Binn</a> had 2 edit suggestions approved, and 0 edit suggestions rejected</li>\r\n </ul>",
"description":"review next item",
"tooltip":"review next item",
As you can see, the server is saying that I've only rejecting 5 edit suggestions, even though it's been established earlier that I have far more than that count.