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Rename Hot Network Questions 'Watching the Pretty Flames'

I've seen a few good questions on HNQ in the more distant past, but in the past few months, almost any time I've seen a question featured in HNQ it's been one that has attracted a lot of activity because of

  • A poorly-posed question that people can't quite seem to find a close reason for, but that creates endless discussion because people can't agree on what the question means or whether or not it's actually been answered, or the question starts from false premises.

  • Questions that have attracted a lot of gawkers because they are, in fact, closed.

  • Arguments about something controversial or borderline-offensive in the question or one of the answers.

  • Pissing matches in the comments, just because.

  • The blind leading the blind in a game of Pokemon Go.

  • Clickbait headlines like this one.

and in all of these cases, the additional traffic from HNQ is never beneficial. I could give examples, but will not. If nothing is done about the algorithm HNQ uses to decide what questions are worth highlighting, then I'm afraid my proposed rename will be all too appropriate. How can we prevent HNQ from drawing attention to, and exacerbating, the very sorts of behavior we strive to discourage?

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