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Do pre-migration comments become undeletable once a question is migrated?

I was one of the answerers to a question later migrated: Why do so many books indent all paragraphs except the first one in each chapter? . My answer had received a comment while still in its original location, and I responded to that comment. Later he deleted his comment and added another, leaving mine without context. I was going to delete it, but with the page in its new location, it doesn't seem possible. The ⊗ symbol for deletion, which normally appears when you hover over one of your comments, is not showing up.

A contributing factor to this may be that I was not joined to the destination SE at the time of migration. While writing this meta question, I noticed my name at the end of the comment is not linked to my profile. Thus I guess my non-existence at that point in time led to the comment's undeletablity by the author.

Having my comment remain is not a problem, but the issue seemed worth asking about.

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