I think this should be an option. Consider following implementation:
- Upon reaching 200 Reputation, ads are automatically set to "reduced"
- In your profile preference settings, you can again set them to "display all ads"
What can happen as a result of this?
- People who like the ads (like me) can turn them back on
- People who dislike the ads do not need to take any further action to remain in a reduced-ad state
- People who are apathethic to this change will not notice and probably never find out
None of these outcomes is negative in my opinion. According to @BretCopeland this feature is even already implemented - it just needs to be enabled for non-staff members.
We mostly don't want people to feel pressured to turn on more
advertising. You earned the privilege... you should feel free to use
I don't think this is a problem for various reasons:
- People need to specifically care and opt in to this feature
- Nobody is forced or even pressurized into anything
- People who haven't been thinking about this won't notice either way.
So in conclusion this feature will:
- Not inconvenience normal users in any way
- Not inconvenience people who don't like ads in any way
- Not take up development time (it already exists, just needs to be enabled.)
I think that these arguments speak very much in favor of enabling this.