- When writing about Stack Exchange, or citing from Stack Exchange, in research papers, citations, bibliographies, etc.: Is there a Common Convention or Etiquette suggested when referring to Stack Exchange questions and users?
When writing about Stack Exchange, or citing from Stack Exchange, in research papers, citations, bibliographies, etc.: Is there a Common Convention or Etiquette suggested when referring to Stack Exchange questions and users?
Is there an official Stack Exchange guide, (a URL), regarding "Common Conventions", or "Etiquette" that may help clarify this, and other similar questions?
- Is there an official Stack Exchange guide, (a URL), regarding "Common Conventions", or "Etiquette" that may help clarify this, and other similar questions?
#1 is explicitly answered below. However, in view of the comments, and questions, the "implicit" answer to #2 seems to be "No".
This would be very helpful -- given the wiki, and the fact that Stack is being cited formally, (Citing Stack Overflow discussions).
Another stack user
also noted the importance of generalizations - affirming that "Stack Etiquette", (Stack Link) -- but they did not include a citation to a general etiquette "Thread".
- Other Stack sites, (Stack Link)? (Stacks? Exchanges?)
- Other Questions? (Threads?)
OP's? Commenters? Questioners? Exchangers? Stackers? Editors?
Wikipedia Example
Wikipedia refers to its users, and users refer to each other as Wikipedians.
Although in practice, "Editors" seems to take precedence.