What are the "Official Conventions" that are suggested to refer Stack Exchange Users?
Another Exchanger also noted the importance of generalizations - affirming that "Stack Etiquette" discourages directly referring to specific users and user names, (Stack Link) -- but they did not include a citation to a general etiquette "Thread".
For Example:
- To "All Stack Exchange Users, in general.
- To those who posted a question.
- To those who answered.
- To those who commented.
- Other Stack sites, (Stack Link)? (Stacks? Exchanges?)
- Other Questions? (Threads?)
OP's? Commenters? Questioners? Exchangers? Stackers? Editors?
Wikipedia Example
Wikipedia refers to its users, and users refer to each other as Wikipedians.
Although in practice, "Editors" seems to take precedence.
Typical Stack Dialogue
Q: How should I refer to other "Stack Exchangers"? It seems "Exchanger A" objects to formality -- can there be? Another user pointed out that specific references to individuals is contrary to Stack Etiquette, (Stack Link).
C1: Your question if vague. But, it seems "Popper" answered your question; if that is true, please mark it as accepted, and we can propose clarifications to your question.
C2: As another Commenter noted, it seems the OP/Pusher is referring to a related Stack Question: link, link ...
A: We are "Writers". It's probably not "Pushers" and "Poppers" -- not many people may get the pun.
C: Answerer: Another Commenter points out that many people may not get "stack" either, so probably not the most consistent answer.
Generally, direct replies to the questioner or answerer don't work with @[username], and this gets ambiguous anyway when multiple people edit questions/answers. See: How to Stack Comment @replies ...