Somewhat related to Choosing profiles for combined flair...
It appears the combined flair has space for about 7 Stack Exchange sites (I'm estimating, I've only got 4 on there now).The combined flair can fit 7 different Stack Exchange sites. What happens if a user has more than 200 rep on more sites than the seven sites that fit on the flair? Does the flair
- Use what first went on and ignore anything beyond what fits? (Mine currently seems to be ordered based on how old the profiles are)
- Use the top-repped accounts, and order them by rep? (Mine may be doing this, but I can't tell at this time, since rep order and age order are the same)
- Break?
- Randomly select some sites?
Has anyone encountered this before, or is it unusualy to have 200+ rep on that many different Stack Exchange sites?