Disclaimer: I searched and I found a lot of questions about the character limit, but none include the comprehensive feature request I make here, so I kindly request to consider this post not a duplicate.
As we all know, there is a 6 character limit imposed on edits. This has been questioned before, for instance:
- Change this behavior to allow for spelling corrections and the like: "Edits must be at least 6 characters"
- pure code formatting, to enhance a question, is impossible (without 2k rep)
- Test for "at least 6 non-space characters" stopped a perfectly good edit from being done
- Are we discouraged from fixing typos and misspellings on Stack Exchange sites?
- How to overcome "Edits must be at least 6 characters"?
Yes, often there is more that can be fixed, but as these questions and others show, that is not always the case. People complain about perfectly good edits, that would enhance the value of the Stack, being rejected.
So what can be done about this constraint?