For context, I mostly use sites of "medium" size and traffic, like unix.SE - it's not clear whether that makes a difference to this question.
From experience, it seems that the effect of good answers "bubbling up" by collecting upvotes over time does not always work as good as I would hope.
If there are some quick initial answers in short time, and they are voted up,
it seems very hard for a later answer to catch up with the votes of the initial answers.
The problem seems to be that the "bubble up" mechanism basically works, but is too slow - it seems that even after multiple years, there is only a little progress in many cases.
It would be very interesting to have some kind of numbers, supporting or rejecting this - or giving any partial hint.
Examples are not of much use, I think;
Are there any existing statistics in this area, or attempts to analyze how effective the mechanism of "bubbling up" of answers by votes works?