Note: this question is not about chameleon questions and therefore it is not a duplicate of questions asking about that kind of phenomena.
I have asked a question about switching "new" Google Maps to "old" ones permanently about two years ago and I have received a perfectly valid answer in the very same day. This answer has received +67 score so far.
Now, two years laters, after Google has turned off feature mentioned in this answer, it becomes no longer valid and given solution no longer work. However, today, someone has given another answer with solution, that is currently working, but with disclaimer, that it will probably be also invalid soon.
What should I do in this case:
- leave it as it is, to honor two-years long working / 67+ points receiving answer,
- leave it as it is, because today's answer is already marked as soon obsolete as well or
- reaccept = unaccept not anymore valid answer and accept the (shortly) working one?