We have a home-grown learning management system (LMS - highly abused term, but I'll be damned if I can find a more succinct way of putting it) that includes a list of classroom classes (filed under various categories) and a list of online educational modules (filed under various categories) - and there have been some (justified) complaints about it being difficult to find things.
I've read a couple of articles on creating a tagging system, and have seen a number of implementations. I was curious as to how the S[O|F|U] implementation was set up as it seems to be much better than most of what I've found.
Please don't hear what I'm not saying: I don't want the code handed to me on a silver platter. I'm just curious as to the general DB/Infrastructure used for the tags here as I like the system much better than what I've found elsewhere.
(We|Ouè)lbo[u_]?g(ue)?|Susan( Papadismgaogenabhieanae(laegkae)?)?
whose identity can only be accurately described with a regex.