I have been using a feed for a specific tag ([set-theory]) of the Mathematics site on my WP blog. Right now it returns the following error message:
RSS Error: This XML document is invalid, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 805, column 34
I looked at the text dumped at the RSS link and the offending line has a "^L" character (that's the way it shows in Emacs) right before the last "filters" word. It looks like this:
<li>The union of a chain of ^Lfilters is a ^Lfilter.
^O2. A maximal ^Lfilter is an ultra^Lfilter.
How I can use Zorn's lemma to find the maximal filter?</li>
The complete entry looks like this as plain text:
<re:rank scheme="http://math.stackexchange.com">1</re:rank>
<title type="text">Show that every proper filter on a set X can be extended to a proper prime filter?</title>
<category scheme="https://math.stackexchange.com/tags" term="set-theory" />
<category scheme="https://math.stackexchange.com/tags" term="filters" />
<link rel="alternate" href="https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1472767/show-that-every-proper-filter-on-a-set-x-can-be-extended-to-a-proper-prime-filte" />
<summary type="html">
<p>Are the following enough to complete the proof </p>
<li>The union of a chain of filters is a filter.
2. A maximal filter is an ultrafilter.
How I can use Zorn's lemma to find the maximal filter?</li>
I assume that when this entry is deep enough it won't bother any more, but anyway there was a problem