The question of down voting questions is always a debatable topic. The purpose of the down-vote is unclear. The reasons for most of the down-votes is even less clear. Obviously if the intent is to improve the content there should be no problem with disclosing the reason behind a persons down vote. Yet most down votes are made by ghosts. They vanish into the night without a trace.
It would be easy to track the amount positive and negative votes a person casts, so does it not make sense that there should be some kind of penalty for those people that abuse their voting privilege. There are people that put effort into writing and asking questions and it takes almost no effort hit a down-vote and discredit the writer. A down-vote with an explanation is constructive criticism and improves the quality of the website. A down-vote with no explanation serves little purpose and is just criticism.
I think if down voters had to explain their reasoning behind their down votes and they were as accountable as the person who asks the question, there would be a lot less negative votes.
What should the penalty be for abusers of the down vote system?
When I asked this question it was because I had asked simple questions. About what I have no idea now. It was met with negativity. Today I found out that I was on the wrong Meta. I should have been on the Meta Stack Overflow. Had the question been asked on the Meta Stack Overflow there most likely would not have been a problem.
I no longer care what happens on the Meta Stack Exchange and would be very happy if I could delete all of my input and just stay with Stack Overflow. Unfortunately for me this not allowed.