There are the following post history types (from SEDE):
- Initial Title - The first title a question is asked with.
- Initial Body - The first raw body text a post is submitted with.
- Initial Tags - The first tags a question is asked with.
- Edit Title - A question's title has been changed.
- Edit Body - A post's body has been changed, the raw text is stored here as markdown.
- Edit Tags - A question's tags have been changed.
- Rollback Title - A question's title has reverted to a previous version.
- Rollback Body - A post's body has reverted to a previous version
- the raw text is stored here.
- Rollback Tags - A question's tags have reverted to a previous version.
- Post Closed - A post was voted to be closed.
- Post Reopened - A post was voted to be reopened.
- Post Deleted - A post was voted to be removed.
- Post Undeleted - A post was voted to be restored.
- Post Locked - A post was locked by a moderator.
- Post Unlocked - A post was unlocked by a moderator.
- Community Owned - A post has become community owned.
- Post Migrated - A post was migrated.
- Question Merged - A question has had another, deleted question merged into itself.
- Question Protected - A question was protected by a moderator
- Question Unprotected - A question was unprotected by a moderator
- Post Disassociated - An admin removes the OwnerUserId from a post.
- Question Unmerged - A previously merged question has had its answers and votes restored.
Which of these types of edits can only be performed by moderators on Meta Stack Exchange?
Note: clearly 1, 2, and 3 can be done by the question author, 4, 5, and 6 can be done by anyone, and 19 and 20 by moderators. What about the rest?