There are the following post history types (from SEDE):

  1. Initial Title - The first title a question is asked with.
  2. Initial Body - The first raw body text a post is submitted with.
  3. Initial Tags - The first tags a question is asked with.
  4. Edit Title - A question's title has been changed.
  5. Edit Body - A post's body has been changed, the raw text is stored here as markdown.
  6. Edit Tags - A question's tags have been changed.
  7. Rollback Title - A question's title has reverted to a previous version.
  8. Rollback Body - A post's body has reverted to a previous version
    • the raw text is stored here.
  9. Rollback Tags - A question's tags have reverted to a previous version.
  10. Post Closed - A post was voted to be closed.
  11. Post Reopened - A post was voted to be reopened.
  12. Post Deleted - A post was voted to be removed.
  13. Post Undeleted - A post was voted to be restored.
  14. Post Locked - A post was locked by a moderator.
  15. Post Unlocked - A post was unlocked by a moderator.
  16. Community Owned - A post has become community owned.
  17. Post Migrated - A post was migrated.
  18. Question Merged - A question has had another, deleted question merged into itself.
  19. Question Protected - A question was protected by a moderator
  20. Question Unprotected - A question was unprotected by a moderator
  21. Post Disassociated - An admin removes the OwnerUserId from a post.
  22. Question Unmerged - A previously merged question has had its answers and votes restored.

Which of these types of edits can only be performed by moderators on Meta Stack Exchange?

Note: clearly 1, 2, and 3 can be done by the question author, 4, 5, and 6 can be done by anyone, and 19 and 20 by moderators. What about the rest?


2 Answers 2


Here is a big list:

CMs (community managers):

21: Post Disassociated - An admin removes the OwnerUserId from a post.
22: Question Unmerged - A previously merged question has had its answers and votes restored.
17: Post Migrated - A post was migrated. (any site, can be old more than 60 days, question only)

Privileged users, Moderators and CMs:

10: Post Closed - A post was voted to be closed.
11: Post Reopened - A post was voted to be reopened.
12: Post Deleted - A post was voted to be removed.
13: Post Undeleted - A post was voted to be restored.
17: Post Migrated - A post was migrated.
  (not possible in Meta Stack Exchange by non-diamond users,
  only to a small list of sites, must not be older than 60 days, question only)
35: Post Migrated Away

Moderators and CMs (MSE Only):

17: Post Migrated - A post was migrated. (any site, must not be older than 60 days, question only) 35: Post Migrated Away

Moderators and CMs:

17: Post Migrated - A post was migrated. (any site, must not be older than 60 days, question only)
35: Post Migrated Away

Moderators and CMs:

16: Community Owned - A post has become community owned.
31: Discussion moved to chat
33: Post Notice Added
34: Post Notice Removed

System (triggered by question merge):

37: Post Merge Source
38: Post Merge Destination


25: Post Tweeted
50: CommunityBump - Community user bumps the question to the homepage
52: SelectedHotNetworkQuestion - Selected as a hot network question

System, moderators and CMs:

53: RemovedHotNetworkQuestion - Removed from HNQ

The owner of the post (answers only):

16: Community Owned - A post has become community owned.

Revisions which are created when a post is posted:

1: Initial Title - The first title a question is asked with. (question only)
2: Initial Body - The first raw body text a post is submitted with.
3: Initial Tags - The first tags a question is asked with. (question only)


4: Edit Title - A question's title has been changed.
5: Edit Body - A post's body has been changed, the raw text is stored here as markdown.
6: Edit Tags - A question's tags have been changed.

The users with the Edit Posts privilege (the edit community wiki privilege for community wiki posts), the owner of the post, Moderators and CMs:

7: Rollback Title - A question's title has reverted to a previous version.
8: Rollback Body - A post's body has reverted to a previous version
  - the raw text is stored here.
9: Rollback Tags - A question's tags have reverted to a previous version.
24: Suggested Edit Applied (moderators or post owners can override the decision and reject a approved edit or approve a rejected edit if no edits are made to the post after the suggested edit is suggested)

The users with the Protect Questions privilege, Moderators and CMs (question only):

19: Question Protected - A question was protected by a moderator
20: Question Unprotected - A question was unprotected by a moderator

Moderators and CMs (if the rollback or edit added or removed a moderator only tag):

9: Rollback Tags - A question's tags have reverted to a previous version.
6: Edit Tags - A question's tags have been changed.

  • 1
    Hm. What's the difference between the MSE type 17 and the vanilla one?
    – Journeyman Geek Mod
    Commented Apr 25, 2019 at 23:31
  • 1
    @JourneymanGeek only mods can migrate questions on MSE, but on other sites all 3kers can vote to migrate.
    – Picachieu
    Commented Apr 26, 2019 at 4:57
  • 3
    @PikachuthePurpleWizard Users can only vote to migrate if there are migration targets. There are none on MSE - or on beta sites and even some graduated sites.
    – Catija StaffMod
    Commented May 3, 2019 at 20:00
  • From where did you obtain this information? Can you cite a source, please?
    – Cody Gray
    Commented May 3, 2019 at 20:29
  • 1
    @CodyGray Most of these are from the help center, other random questions that I don't remember, some comments and the data explorer. Most of the description of the revision types are stated in the question. I made up the rest of the history event descriptions. Commented May 3, 2019 at 20:42
  • 2
    Please note that I edited this answer for reasons of accessibility. In the previous revisions users with screenreaders couldn't access the answer, so I was told.
    – rene Mod
    Commented May 3, 2019 at 20:47

The following can only be done by ♦ moderators (and employees who have a diamond):

14: Post Locked - A post was locked by a moderator.
15: Post Unlocked - A post was unlocked by a moderator.
18: Question Merged - A question has had another, deleted question merged into itself.

The following can only be done by ♦ moderators (and employees who have a diamond) on questions:

16: Community Owned - A post has become community owned.
17: Post Migrated - A post was migrated. (Meta Stack Exchange only)

The following cannot be done by ♦ moderators:

17: Post Migrated - A post was migrated. (if older than 60 days)
21: Post Disassociated - An admin removes the OwnerUserId from a post.
22: Question Unmerged - A previously merged question has had its answers and votes restored.

  • 1
    Also certain types of tag edits, on meta sites such as this one. Commented Apr 25, 2019 at 16:53

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