
I recently conducted an experiment in which I tried to increase the view count on an old question several different ways:

  • reloading the page

  • going to a different question and back

  • leaving for 15 minutes and coming back again

However, the view count on the question stayed the same.

Judging by this, I take it that the view count is really the number of viewers that have viewed the question.

Taking that into account, can we change this:

view count

to better reflect what the count really is?

viewed by 390 users

Any suggestions/comments appreciated.

  • But the # of views ≠ number of users who viewed the question. See here and here.
    – Laurel
    Commented Jun 2, 2019 at 20:34

1 Answer 1


I'd expect that

leaving for 15 minutes and coming back again

would increase the view count; perhaps you should try reloading the page again after a while, since the view count is cached. Or wait a little longer than 15 minutes? This answer elaborates:

There is some sort of a throttling mechanism in action. It saves the information about a question view per visitor like in pairs:

  • for anonymous users, it is IP + QuestionNr.

  • for authenticated users it is UserNr + QuestionNr.

This information is saved in an expiring cache entry for about 15 minutes. If a subsequent hit sees the entry is still there it discards the new hit. If it is already gone it allows for a new record.

and from my (earlier) tests I am definitely able to increase the view count on my own multiple times.

  • Yep, tried after 16 minutes and the vote count increased. Thanks.
    – user474678
    Commented Jun 2, 2019 at 20:29

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