In the current version of The Loop, one of the options for racial background is spelt “Black or of African decent”, rather than “Black or of African descent”.
I tried notifying Sara Chipps by @ commenting her yesterday, but didn’t get a response. (Maybe she doesn’t check her notifications often?) This was first noticed a week ago.
I know that some users would rather that racial background doesn’t get asked at all - there’s another question here about that. I know that some people think that “Black” shouldn’t be grouped with “African descent” - if nothing else, I assume it’s to make the option symmetrical with “White or of European descent”, an option which is preferred over just “White”. But can we agree on fixing a typo even if we can’t agree upon everything else?
Yes, it’s just a typo. But considering that in the previous version of the survey they had totally excluded this group, and that Stack Exchange has placed a strong emphasis on users being respectful to each other, the company taking a bit of effort to be respectful would be appreciated.