The VP of Community for SE gave the following statement to the press:
Stack Overflow ran an analysis and the ChatGPT detection tools that moderators were previously using have an alarmingly high rate of false positives. Usage of these tools correlated to a dramatic upswing in suspensions of users with little or no prior content contributions; people with original questions and answers were summarily suspended from participating on the platform. These unnecessary suspensions and their outsize impact on new users run counter to our mission and have a negative impact on our community.
This statement is not correct. Specifically, it conflates the use of ChatGPT tools with suspensions, implying that moderators use those tools to decide about suspensions. This is not correct, while these tools were potentially part of such a decision, the decision itself is a manual analysis.
The statement also claims that the suspensions were unnecessary even though SE told us moderators explicitly that they don't know that. What SE said before was that they cannot be sure those suspensions were correct, which is a very different situation than what SE describes.
This statement misrepresents the facts and thereby disparages the moderators that have acted on AI-authored content. It would be nice if SE could be more accurate with facts when speaking to the press, and avoid disparaging the moderators on these sites.
Correction: The article previously attributed the statement to the CEO, now the attribution is changed to the VP of Community.
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