For the new genAI site, SE is planning to dramatically lower certain privileges to 1 reputation. This includes allowing every user with 1 rep to up- and downvote as well as comment everywhere. Here (screenshot) is the GenAI Meta post announcing it. I do think this kind of dramatic change requires discussion on the main meta here. I am making the assumption here that this is a change that would be potentially expanded to the network, and even if it isn't expanded it has the potential to affect the entire network due to the association bonus.
And while I think that making it easier for new users to participate fully is a nice goal, the existing barriers mostly have a purpose for existing and you need to be careful about not breaking fundamental parts here when entirely removing them.
Lowering reputation thresholds to 1 is very different from just adjusting them a bit, it removes a barrier entirely. This gives an enormous boost to sock puppets and any person that intends to use socks to perform some shenanigans. It breaks the existing defenses in multiple ways, making it much easier to create socks with actual powers and also creating new ways to misuse tools while leaving fewer traces. The full discussion here would require disclosing aspects of how mods handle socks and vote fraud that are not entirely public, so this can't happen here.
Allowing users to comment everywhere breaks the spam and troll defenses we have right now in a fundamental way. All the tools are simply not set up for monitoring comments by new users, those can appear on very old posts and are almost invisible as they don't bump the posts. Dropping this restriction would require an entirely different set of tools and review mechanisms to prevent abuse.
And if vote fraud gets out of control on one site, this can easily affect other sites via the association bonus. So this affects the network even if it stays confined to this one site. Trolls could use the site as a boost to create privileged socks to wreak havoc on other sites.
If SE wants to fundamentally change the reputation privilege system in this way the discussion should happen here on the meta sites. Not decided by the company alone and announced on a tiny private beta site. I don't think it's impossible to adjust some privileges, but it's not a trivial thing and can have dramatic effects that have to be compensated by different tools and mechanisms.