The new "Tag-Sets on StagExchange" feature is awesome!
Combined with the "StackExchange™ GlobalTag MegaBlender™ wildcard support", browsing specific tags on multiple StackExchange site has never been easier.
Except for one little tiny detail:
When I was browsing those same tags on one site (like SO), I always had the number of question displayed prominently on each page:
That helped to quickly see if any new questions popped-up since the last refresh.
But with a tag-set in StackExchange, I have to:
- memorize the current question
- refresh
- look for said question further down the page to see how many new questions were asked since the last visit.
That "total number of question" was convenient to quickly achieve the same result.
Is there a possibility for the dev team to add it (prominently) on each tag-set pages when they are browsed (by activity, creation or unanswered order)?