Currently, the descriptions under closed/locked/protected/bounty notices are in proper sentence case:
closed as noise or pointless by Jeff Atwood♦ just now
This question does not add anything useful; having it present on the site is actively harmful because it distracts from other more useful questions.
locked by Shog9♦ 2 hours ago
This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved. For more info visit meta.
protected by Community♦ yesterday
This question is protected to prevent "thanks!", "me too!", or spam answers by new users. To answer it, you must have earned at least 10 reputation on this site.
This question has an open bounty worth +500 reputation from Pekka ending in 7 days.
This question has not received enough attention.
However, the merge notice starts in lowercase:
merged by BoltClock♦ 2 days ago
this question was merged with Some exactly-cloned question because it is an exact duplicate of that question.
Is anyone up for correcting this inconsistency?