If a user posts a question/answer which contains "bad words" in code examples, should I edit such a post only to replace bad words?
For example, if a user includes this code in his/her post:
var text = "bullshit 1234 bullshit 5678 bullshit";
var matches = text.match(/\d+/g);
should I change it to:
var text = "lorem 1234 ipsum 5678 dolor";
var matches = text.match(/\d+/g);
or are such edits considered minor?
"Bullshit" doesn't look good (to me), but it is not offensive if used in such context. The mentioned edit does not add any information to the post, nor does it simplify or shorten the post.
As an example: I've done such an replacement here, but there was more to edit than just removing swear words for this question.
EDIT: having received all the feedback I conclude that:
Major part of the community (>50%) prefers usefulness and content of a question over the formulation, and accepts slang to some extent.
A significant part of the community (but <50%) sees SO as a professional platform with no place for informal content ("bad formulated" posts should be improved via edits).
Offensive / "too dirty" posts are generally unaccepted.
An editor should focus on contents, but improving bad-formulated posts is welcomed. (I noticed that posts which contain slang usually have something else to be improved as well.)
Regarding the accepted answer:
Of course, there is no "correct answer" to this question (it is arguable if accepting an answer makes sense for questions tagged [discussion]
I have accepted the answer which reflects my own opinion. Thanks to all for your feedback!