As a web search will tell you, I'm a committer on the Tycho project. This means that I'm affiliated with the project, and according to the FAQ, implies that I need to state that affiliation in every Tycho-related answer:
Post good, relevant answers, and if some (but not all) happen to be about your product or website, that’s okay. However, you must disclose your affiliation in your answers.
But this really feels wrong: If for example I'd write "I'm a committer" in my answer to a Tycho question with multiple answers, this feels like saying "I'm a committer, so that's why I am right and all others are wrong". IMHO, the affiliation statement would be undermining the community's mechanism for choosing the best answer based on the content of the answers, and not based on ranks and titles. I don't want to get votes because I'm a committer, but only if people like the information I'm providing.
So, for a purely technical answer on a project that I am affiliated with, do I really need to state my affiliation? I'm not promoting my project by answering a question of someone who happened to choose my product, am I?