This user has been suggesting tag-only edits that, for the most part, just add mysql to sql questions, without improving anything else. He's at 60 approved (!) and 12 rejected (:(
). (update 14:04 UTC time: 96/46) The queue has reached over 80 edits at one point!
This is partially a call to action, since I, one of the main rejectors, just ran out of suggested edit reviews.
However, since this has come up a lot, I really, really think we need to do something about this.
So what do I suggest that's not already been suggested? I say that there should be a smaller edit ban, that lasts a shorter amount of time, for, say, 3 or 4 suggestions rejected in a day (except the ones rejected by Community). This could be a 1 or 2-day ban.
Also, I think that there should be a maximum of 1 suggestion every 2 minutes (or something like that), which this user is blowing far past, indicating no real thought to the edits.
I also promote these other requests:
This edit has already been approved please go to the post and correct it