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Questions tagged [sql]

GENERAL SQL QUESTIONS ARE OFF-TOPIC. Use this tag for questions related to SQL usage in the Stack Exchange codebase as well as custom queries written by external users in Data Explorer.

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2 votes
1 answer

How to get tags of questions answered by a user in Stack Exchange Data Explorer

I can't solve this problem: using a remote DBMS from the Stack Overflow site (URL: Write a SQL query that displays the names of users with a ...
yspesny's user avatar
  • 123
4 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't LIMIT work in Stack Exchange Data Explorer? [duplicate]

For some reason this isn't working in Data Explorer: select ownerUserId, creationDate from posts LIMIT 1 I'm getting Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '1'. What am I doing wrong?
abbood's user avatar
  • 383
7 votes
1 answer

How to escape single quotes in SEDE ##keyword## search?

The interactive SQL explorer interface for has a convenient feature where you can request user input in a text field using syntax like ##variable##. But the ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 15.1k
4 votes
3 answers

Find questions where any of the tags are in the title or body?

I would like to find posts where any of the tags are present in the title or body of the question, e.g. Python and C# are the tags and title is Fix my Python Problem? SELECT TOP 10 Posts.Id, Posts....
deanpwr's user avatar
  • 51
-6 votes
1 answer

What post query does Stack Overflow fire to get a question's details with answers, tags, votes, etc.?

As I was reading to get a question or post below, a query may be fired by Stack Overflow: SELECT * # Replace the actual fields FROM posts WHERE (Id = {POST_ID}) OR (ParentId = {POST_ID}) ORDER BY ...
subodh's user avatar
  • 143
2 votes
1 answer

How do you join between Posts and Users in the Stack Overflow database?

I'm trying to join between's dataset Posts and Users files and I'm having trouble. I want to add the user profile of the question poster to a Post. Do I use User.AccountId or User....
user147894's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do I modify this query to search for specific tags?

I am forking this query, which essentially outputs the time between the question being asked and the answer being given. However, I am trying to modify the query to only search for java. I tried this: ...
A.J. Uppal's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Any way to auto-format SQL in Stack Exchange Data Explorer?

One really nice feature of Toad (database administration tool) is the ability to auto-format your SQL (usually with CTRL + SHIFT + F). Manually formatting SQL greatly increases readability, but takes ...
JonathanDavidArndt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Problems filtering rows with Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE)

I want to study how people behave where they are near to get a Tag Badge, so I need to: Extract all the ID of users who have won a Tag Badge in a certain period of time. See what Tag Badge they have ...
Alfo's user avatar
  • 43
3 votes
1 answer

Adding a text field for string input in Data Explorer

I would like to run a query that takes a textfield as an input. I know it works fine with int like so: DECLARE @UserId int = ##UserId## ... WHERE Posts.OwnerUserId = @UserId But how can I do ...
abbood's user avatar
  • 383
2 votes
1 answer

Data Explorer query to find answers of specific user based on a keyword

I'm looking for SQL query to use within Data Explorer, to bring back all my answers (per site, from only one site at a time) with my userid and with a particular keyword, in the body of my answers. I ...
Pimp Juice IT's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Potential inconsistency in Stack Overflow database dump

I would like to determine on average how long it takes until a question gets its first/accepted answer. I am running this SQL query (for first answer) in SELECT AVG(CAST(...
frogatto's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why does data explorer not support ILIKE, SIMILAR TO, or regular expressions (~)?

Why does the data explorer not support ILIKE, SIMILAR TO, or regular expressions ~? Talking to the devs: Would it be possible to add that functionality?
David's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

In case I do not get answers tools for this question and wish to program/ automate for this, which site should I go and post to? [duplicate]

Consider this question on Super User: Strategy & Steps to whitelist Chrome cookies for Sites whose logins & passwords are saved? Essentially, mapping an exported CSV list towards creating a ...
Alex S's user avatar
  • 195
5 votes
2 answers

Which tools and libraries are used for testing by StackOverflow developers? [duplicate]

Here you can find details about the software and hardware on which the site is built. I am wondering do developers write any automation tests (unit/functional/scenario) and what kind of tools/...
gotqn's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Allow some basic HTML formating inside query results or interpret MarkDown

I wrote this query and Markdown inside third column wasn't converted to HTML. So I converted the closes reasons to HTML and it appears that the Javascript doesn't make the rows look parsed. As there ...
user2284570's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to use Data Explorer to find the most prolific closers on a site?

Goal: Make the list of Top 50 users who closed most questions on a site. This means the questions that actually got closed, not pending close votes/flags. Deleted questions are excluded from ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How I can get questions where the body is the same as the title?

It is know that many questions have the same body and title, So I wanted to create a query to show them all, but this don't work : select as [Post Link], -- Question title. Count(...
user2284570's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to count the most frequent CloseReasonTypes per posts in the data-explorer?

I started to compose this query and I find it's difficult to see why the question should be closed. select TOP ##Limit:int?38369## -- The maximum value the hardware can handle. Posts.Id as [Post ...
user2284570's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Querying for reputation of the commenter and its addressee using SEDE

How can I modify this Data Explorer query for the case when user of the comment is same as the poster, then the query should look for the tagged user in the comment and print the tagged user ...
user2256866's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Querying for name and rep of commenter and post OP using SEDE

I am new to T-SQL and would greatly appreciate help on the following query on the Stack Exchange Data Explorer. For a given comment I need to display the username and reputation of whoever posted the ...
user2256866's user avatar
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1 answer

How can i generate SQL DEMO online temporarily base ?

I have some query in SQL data retrieving related so how can i display in stackoverflow, any one know me. please .
Chirag Pipariya's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

How to make tables in good format in asking questions here (which is understandable by others)? [duplicate]

When we paste a table from a note pad or word or any other source its not coming in a good table format in this Stack Overflow question editor/text box space. My question is how do you make an ...
Explorer's user avatar
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19 votes
0 answers

Data Explorer execution plans are no longer available because SHOWPLAN permission is denied [closed]

I noticed after a recent maintenance downtime that now I get the following message when trying to include an execution plan with a query: SHOWPLAN permission denied in database 'StackOverflow'. ...
Paul Sweatte's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Why does the data explorer have inaccessible columns?

Why does the data explorer have columns that do not return visible results? For example, the column Votes.UserId does not return any information. This makes sense to me. I just don't understand why ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 791
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1 answer

How to ask SQL questions with table definitions and example code?

I am always struggling when asking SQL questions. How are we supposed to ask questions related to SQL including table definitions and code examples? Is there a equivalent for sql that ...
Alp's user avatar
  • 181
4 votes
1 answer

Trouble with fetching data

I'm trying to query the following data from stackexchange: Fetch all the questions asked about Android, in past five years, and display post's id (a.iD), associated tags (a.Tags), for the person ...
r2j2's user avatar
  • 73
5 votes
1 answer

SQL Query not returning hyperlink on

I am basically a C programmer but I started on SQL today with the only purpose of fiddling around the data available on So please bear with me if my question is naive or ...
Pavan Manjunath's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Creating beautiful tables [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there any markdown to create tables? How to format SQL tables in a Stack Overflow post? I was wondering how users are able to create beatiful tables of how their sql ...
Jürgen Paul's user avatar
46 votes
1 answer

What does SE use to calculate reputations? SQL aggregate functions? A manual method?

I want to implement something similar to Stack Exchange's reputation system. What would be the better practice: using an SQL aggregate function to recalculate every time it changes, or storing ...
Chibuzo's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

A query to get all posts that count for Archaeologist and Excavator

I've been playing with data-explorer to peruse stackoverflow more and learn some t-sql. I managed to write this query, which lists out all posts the user has edited and then shows a difference in ...
gideon's user avatar
  • 802
10 votes
5 answers

Ethics for SQL insert queries vulnerable to SQL injection [closed]

I've come across and helped lots of people with SQL INSERT queries, where nothing about the values being from the user and form input is being mentioned. The main point of the questions vary from ...
Nick Rolando's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange Data Queries - Get URL of Site Query Ran Against

I've made myself a little query on the stack exchange data explorer which gets a leader board for the top comments on the site, and the URL for the post that the comment was posted on. This query ...
Alex Coplan's user avatar
  • 1,233
0 votes
1 answer

Is the following question type OK in Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to determine if I should post on Stack Overflow or Server Fault about SQL I want to describe how I am handling a SQL (MySQL) query, and want to know if there are other ...
octopusgrabbus's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

SQL Server 2011 vs. SQL Server Denali [closed]

I'm wondering what the process should be for guiding the tag people should be using for the next version of SQL Server. With CTP3 now out in the public's hands, I expect StackOverflow, ServerFault and ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange SQL samples

I swear I saw this on one of Stack Exchange sites, but can't find it. There was a section full of SQL query samples, like which users got most upvotes for last 2 weeks and so on. Does anyone know ...
Tomas Voracek's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Why is there no syntax highlight for SQL merge statements? [duplicate]

It seems, that Stack Overflow doesn't recognise the SQL:2003/SQL:2008 MERGE statement, as can be seen in my answer here: Oracle: Updating a table column using ROWNUM in conjunction with ORDER BY ...
Lukas Eder's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Links to all my questions?

Is there a way to get hold of a parsable list of links (or if that's not possible, IDs) to all my questions to all my answers preferably without using the data dump?
Pekka's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What SQL query does stackoverflow use to retrieve a question and all its answers in order?

According to this, stackoverflow uses one table for both questions and answers. This design seems somewhat unusual. What SQL query does stackoverflow use to retrieve question #123456 and all its ...
Continuation's user avatar
55 votes
15 answers

Can we become our own "Northwind" for teaching SQL / databases?

In the Microsoft ecosystem there are some standard databases like Northwind ... The Northwind Traders sample database contains the sales data for a fictitious company called Northwind Traders, which ...
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using the data dump without MS SQL? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Scripts to convert data-dump to other formats I was wondering how I can use the data dump to query for answers offline (on a MacOS box)? - I recently saw some people using it ...
wishi's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Rejection of text containing SQL statements

OK, I've been having weird problems for the last 1/2 hour trying to post an answer to a database-related question on StackOverflow, and I keep getting this result (on Firefox 3.6) The connection ...
Jason S's user avatar
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3 answers

SQL users' upvotes

I am not trying to be rude, at all, but I just have a quick question. Maybe some stats can back me up, but this is my personal feeling. Why do SQL users upvote less than others? I answer a variance ...
Adriaan Stander's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Auto generated create table snippets for sample data in specific format

Edit: try again. In a SQL related question, when the OP gives a code table such as: Department | Category | 0001 | A | 0002 | D | 0003 | A | 0003 ...
Alistair Knock's user avatar