I'm not sure of how this would be accomplished, so I won't offer any concrete designs tagged with feature-request, but I was thinking...
...We have many international users who come here and ask questions. Many of them have a very hard time expressing their issue in English. A recent example which got me to thinking about this again being
(Edited by now)
We already have the ability to edit to improve, and people are happy to (sometimes) guess at what the OP was asking in order to clarify. Sometimes these edits are correct, sometimes not. Sometimes these questions are closed because it just is not clear what the OP meant and they cannot find the way to correctly translate their original question, which leads to the point of this discussion...
StackOverflow is a very large community, and for every language we have users that have very good english language skills. What if we could make it easier for these users to help translate and improve the questions of their fellow native speakers?
Okay, I'll throw out a hypothetical design. You've shamed me into it.
A non-native english speaker joins StackOverflow. They already know they have a hard time translating; perhaps they even have to rely on some automated translation service.
In their profile they have the option of checking a box which says "Please tell speakers of my language [combobox] I need help writing in english."
When this user asks a question, a link is provided at the bottom of the question which says something to the effect "[language] speaker". When clicked on, this creates a chat room for the question. Anyone clicking the link can join. The OP is notified of its creation, and any translation questions can be hashed out in the chat room.
Users who share this language can easily find these questions in the "Language review queue". They can filter the queue by language, go read these questions, edit (with required rep) when they recognize the original intent, or converse with the OP in the chat room in their native tongue in order to flesh out what the OP was trying to say.
Badges will be created for translators, awarded on X edits of questions where the OP requested help, awarded on a per-language basis.
Unfortunately, while this sounds great and egalitarian, there are probably more downsides than up. First, it's a big feature to add, and would take a fair amount of time to code. It would also probably encourage foreign speakers to drop untranslated questions at a greater rate, burdening those who would offer their help to the point where they might stop editing altogether. And shit questions are shit, no matter what language they originally came from. Spending time trying to help someone translate only to find out their original question sucked would be a PITA.
On the flip side, we might see the numbers of bad questions go down, reduce the number of international users who, because of poor translations, hit the question ban, and increase the overall quality of questions on the site.
Whaddya think?
Slight clarification and modifications... A user indicates they have poor english skills on their account. When they ask a question, they could be given the option (instead of by default) to ask for the help of a volunteer translator. That would add the translation help link on the question. So, for more complex questions where the user is having issues translate some of the more technical concepts they could ask for help and forego this when they are confident that their question is simple.
The queue may grow to the point where it becomes off-putting. So, there should be an algorithm to cull questions from the queue. For example, questions with answers (one selected, or maybe two or more questions without any selected) are considered clear enough to forego translation help. Older questions (by last bump date) may age out as well. Questions where someone has already attempted to help may also be removed from the queue.
Other ideas may include the ability for a user to "sponsor" another, and by doing so be notified of questions/answers by that user. They can then optionally view them and help if needed...