I am not asking for spoilers, but how many secret hats are there for WinterBash 2013?
Could we post a list of names (or would that be too spoiler-y)?
I am not asking for spoilers, but how many secret hats are there for WinterBash 2013?
Could we post a list of names (or would that be too spoiler-y)?
We'll let you know how many secret hats there were, and what the triggers for earning them were, in our wrap-up blog post when the event is over. :)
The only thing we know is that they exists.
And it’s possible that there just might be a couple of secret ones, too. (By “it’s possible,” we mean ”there definitely are, because we made them, like with computer code and everything, so there’s not really much doubt whatsoever.”)
It is a secret so the only way we'll know that is by looking at the post-event blogs if the developers decide to tell us (Hope they do).
I the meantime, you can check My Hat Order Guide where I took a look at the hats spritesheet and studied the leaderboards in order to see as many hats as possible.