On the mobile-web version of Stack Exchange sites, clicking the "add / show X more comments" link always zooms the "new comment" field into focus and opens the keyboard. It also scrolls the page towards the top a bit so the new comments appear off the bottom of the screen.
Most of the time, when clicking on that link, I just want to read the hidden comments. It's annoying when I have to dismiss the keyboard, zoom out and scroll back.
It should simply reveal the new comments and the keyboard should not show up unless I decide to tap inside the "new comment" field.
This is observed with the latest version of Mobile Safari in the latest iOS, although it's likely an issue on all mobile devices whenever the mobile version is displayed.
This question was closed with this reason:
"This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please edit this question to explain how it is different or ask a new question."
However, the original question does not already have an answer with a solution nor even an explanation. The posted answer is just another complaint like mine.
I don't dispute that I accidently posted the same complaint. However, based on the wording of the closed reason, it would seem to imply that duplicates are allowed in situations when the original does "not fully address" the question.