Chat room transcripts are divided by day, and then by time of day if the chat room is active enough. For example, the transcript from yesterday for the Tavern on the Meta is split up like this:
The bottom row represents times of day, if you're unfamiliar. I'm gonna refer to those as "time periods" here. Now, taking the above example, suppose I had a critical conversation a week ago. Today, I realise I should absolutely definitely bookmark it: for future linking, for reference, and so on.
If that conversation occurred between 5:30am - 6:30am, I can bookmark it just fine.
However, the bookmarking tool does not follow me if I start creating a bookmark, then click to another time period or day - the page reloads entirely and the bookmark I was in the process of creating is forgotten. So if the conversation occurred between 4:30 to 5:30am, or 11:30pm to 12:30am the next day, I cannot bookmark that conversation. In particularly active chat rooms, conversations will be divided right in the middle like this.
In RPG Stack Exchange's chat rooms, which I frequent, we'll often bookmark games we've played in the chatroom, compelling stories we've shared about past experiences, exceptionally good explanations of how an uncommon game works, or totally off-topic but nevertheless bookmark-worthy conversations. I just discovered this bug because I could not bookmark one of these things that occurred a few weeks ago.
This is less than ideal, and makes the tool kind of broken for use in the transcript. Now, granted, a lot of conversations won't be affected, but for the ones that do, this sucks. And there's a pretty fair chance of it happening, too: if it goes over the span of 60 minutes, that's a big window of opportunity for it to get paginated in the transcript. (Maybe a roughly 1 in 5 or 7 chance, in the above example?)
Could the bookmarking tool be improved so that we can actually bookmark conversations from the transcript that take place over midnight or between time divisions?
Turns out it is possible to bookmark between pages and time periods. However, the fact the page reloads completely in the process and the bookmark action doesn't appear to continue sends signals the page reload has cancelled the action altogether. One needs to press the bookmark conversation button again to continue bookmarking, but that's the button to start a bookmark, so this is counter-intuitive.
Could the bookmark feature be updated so as to continue the bookmarking automatically? Immediately after I load the page, if I'm in the middle of bookmarking, that bookmark dialog should already be open, and I should be able to go on and select the final message without doing anything else. The page shouldn't wait for me to click the button; the effects of doing so should already take place.
into the JS console, what do you get? And what if you do it again after then switching the page?