There's an simplified Chinese article at June 4 this year (not April 1 !) said :
which means
StackOverflow regulates addicted users by restricting their actions specifically.
Is that true?
I know it helps if SO could ban me from the reviewer queue periodically.
Thanks to @euphoria overlord, the original article is from TechCrunch :
StackOverflow, the world’s largest technical question and answer site, deprecates certain features to limit use
And here is the whole paragraph:
In fact, some companies have already started limiting certain features to people who overuse their sites. StackOverflow, the world’s largest technical question and answer site, deprecates certain features to limit use. Jeff Atwood, the company’s co-founder, says the system was designed to not only improve the quality of content on the site but also to protect susceptible users. “Programmers should be out there in the world creating things too,” Atwood writes, making the point that he wants StackOverflow to be a utility, not a mindless distraction.