iOS app 1.4.3, iOS 9.2.1
While viewing a post, the app somehow ended up in a state where it refuses to do much of anything.
What does work:
- Swipe-scrolling vertically
- Jumping to the previous / next post using the up / down buttons
Everything else, though, has no effect:
- Swipe-scrolling horizontally will not return to the previous view
- Tapping on a code block will not zoom to code-block view
- Tapping Delete button to delete a post will show a confirmation dialog, but saying yes will not cause deletion
- The Add Comment button brings up the text field, but I cannot type anything in it; I can only dismiss it
- None of the other buttons (Share, More, etc.) do anything
- Cannot view user profiles or revision history
- Tapping on links in a post or comment will not show a web page
- Tapping on a tag shows some visual feedback with a temporary color change, but doesn't do anything else
I still receive push notifications, but tapping on them doesn't take me anywhere.