When a user without enough rep to cast a certain vote (upvote or downvote) attempts to do so, they instead register anonymous, tracked post feedback. They get a message like:
Thanks for the feedback! Votes cast by those with less than 15/125 reputation are recorded, but do not change the publicly displayed post score.
If I click again on the vote button after having cast such not-a-real-vote feedback, I simply get the same message again, as opposed to the behavior when casting a real vote, where clicking the button again revokes the vote so long as it is done within the voting grace period.
If I have enough reputation to cast a vote, I can withdraw such vote as long as I do so within the grace period. If I don't have enough rep to cast a "real" vote, how do I revoke my pseudo-vote post feedback?
I'm not asking about why users below certain rep levels can't vote, nor how to view non-vote post feedback, nor whether such feedback automatically converts to a real vote once one's rep increases (it doesn't). I'm asking about how one can handle "accidentally" casting post feedback that one did not intend to do, or where one has immediate second thoughts as to whether or not such post feedback was warranted.