I have recently noticed several "high-rep"(1) users (who were pretty active over the past weeks and months) are currently suspended, adding to plenty of other suspensions I've noticed since October 2019.
In my subjective perception, it feels like a significant number of users have been suspended recently, but without any insights into statistics that is pure speculation. So, this question is an attempt to get some hard data. Ideally, the more details, the better, with normalized data, if possible. For example:
- What are the ban statistics from the beginning of the Monica incident until now, as compared with one or more previous years during the same fall-to-winter period?
- How many users have been banned?
- How many were banned without prior warning?
- What is the distribution of the the reasons given for the recent suspensions?
Note that the existence of a suspension during the previous 12 months blocks people from becoming a moderator.
Update: See 2019: a year in moderation
1: I am not talking about "trolls or spammers", only about well-known users that have a long history of providing constructive, insightful and helpful content on MSE.