As you know, trusted users can vote Delete instead of Recommend Deletion for answers with score ≤ 0 (see here, and ≤ -1 if not from review). Very often, a non-answer gets an upvote (so it has a score of 1), and this limits trusted users to Recommend Deletion.
What I used to do, to speed things up, is to downvote inside the review page, refresh the page so the option changes to Delete, and then review with that option.
This doesn't seem to work recently. Once refreshed, that review is gone. The second time I closed the review tab, downvoted from the main post page, and went back to the low-quality review queue, and was not presented with that answer.
I found it in the review history, missing the vote score/arrows, but I was able to vote Delete.
I'm thinking that is a bug, not a new feature, because:
- I could still get to that review from the history
- Note: I did not find it the first time as I was the first on the scene, that time it also was not in the skipped reviews – assuming a new auto-skip feature
- Score/arrows become missing after downvoting and finding the review again
- Downvoting and reviewing are not mutually exclusive.
If needed for troubleshooting, this is the second review where this happened: