On Stack Overflow and other network sites, when I attempt to open the inbox or reputation window, something opens very briefly but immediately closes.

Animated gif of inbox not opening

This occurs on Chrome and Safari. Other users in chat confirmed that this occurs for them in Internet Explorer.

I am a member of two Stack Overflow Teams.

  • This doesn't occur for me, on windows chrome, light mode
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:43
  • Same issue on Vivaldi. Both dark and light mode.
    – cigien
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:44
  • Able to reproduce as well on Edge. As a temporary workaround, one can view these overlays on stackexchange.com, the chat sites, or Area 51 {though the top bar doesn't render correctly there). Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:46
  • 7
    We are currently experiencing an outage with Teams and any accounts connected to Teams will not be able to access those popups until it is fixed. stackstatus.net/incidents/8e96da33-e677-45d2-947b-b1766b99781e
    – animuson StaffMod
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:48
  • Links https://stackexchange.com/users/<userid>?tab=reputation and https://stackexchange.com/users/<userid>?tab=inbox still work.
    – Mast
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:49
  • 1
    Ok, it's started working for me now.
    – cigien
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:50
  • @animuson Why does that page still use the old name of "Channels" for the product? Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:50
  • 4
    @Sonic Whoever created the incident used Channels instead of Teams. shrugs
    – animuson StaffMod
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 19:51

1 Answer 1


From a comment by animuson ♦️, there was:

.... an outage with Teams and any accounts connected to Teams will not be able to access those popups until it is fixed.

This issue has now been fixed.

Link to the aforementioned incident: stackstatus.net


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