Can some of's JS and CSS be re-used on non-Q&A projects? For example, the the following features would be useful in a project I'm working on for a plugin gallery for our product:
- markdown editor (for writing plugin descriptions/help text)
- tag editor with as-you-type autocomplete (for tagging plugins)
- popup help UI for markdown and tags
- upvote/downvote/favorite vote-recording (and nice error handling if you can't vote!)
- CSS for above that's clearly been honed to work on all kinds of crazy browsers
Can these and other SO features be safely re-used in other projects? If "some but not all are OK to re-use" then which pieces of SO's script and CSS are open-source licensed and which are not? I'm not asking about building an SO clone or using the server-side code or services, just wondering about the client script, CSS and a few images (like the upvote/downvote images).
I know that Jeff and co. have always been keen on developing hard scripty stuff as open-source in collaboration with other community members, so I am hoping these are OK to re-use but I wanted to get more clarification.
I know the user-generated content is clearly licensed CC-Wiki, but I couldn't find licensing info about the script and CSS code on stackoverflow itself, other than the WMD editor which is open-source (although is SO actually running an open-source version or a private fork, and if public then which WMD fork is SO using today?).