It seems like questions are being answered both on Stack Overflow and Google Groups. Which should we use?
It would be nice to have one definitive source to go to for all my Fluent needs. Feel free to chime in, Fluent NHibernate developers.
It seems like questions are being answered both on Stack Overflow and Google Groups. Which should we use?
It would be nice to have one definitive source to go to for all my Fluent needs. Feel free to chime in, Fluent NHibernate developers.
Ask wherever you're most comfortable. We frequent Stack Overflow and the mailing list. I have an RSS feed of any questions tagged fluent-nhibernate, and I check the Google Group nigh-on-constantly.
The way I'd prefer people to do it is:
Stack Exchange has no affiliation with Google Groups whatsoever. Thus, as far as SE is concerned, Stack Overflow is the right place for questions about Fluent Nhibernate.
The question then follows, is a non-SE site better than the respective SE site? Possibly, but in this case, it looks like there's significantly more activity on Stack Overflow, which gets 6–8 posts per day, as opposed to Google Groups, which gets 2–3 posts per day.