Linked Questions

4 votes
3 answers

"belongs-on" tags [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can we disallow the use of “belongs-on-xxxxxxx” and “not-programming-related” tags? Is there an official position on this? Do we or don't we like ...
Rex M's user avatar
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Questions with tag "Not Programming Related" is closed by marking it as "Not Programming Related" ! [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can we disallow the use of “belongs-on-xxxxxxx” and “not-programming-related” tags? As the title says, i have seen few questions where the owner of the ...
Gopi's user avatar
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77 votes
10 answers

Implement a Tag Black List

Based on my answer here, I would like to propose the implementation of a tag black list. The black list should contain a list of tags that should NOT be used on the site and disallow people with ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Change the "belongs-on-serverfault" tag when a question is moved to serverfault

When a question is closed on StackOverflow as "belongs on ServerFault" and thus automatically moved to ServerFault, it retains the 'belongs-on-serverfault' tag. It would make sense to either remove ...
crb's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Can a closed question be given special tags?

I think that S[O|F|U] should have moderator-only tags that get applied when a question is closed to help filter them out. These tags should be in addition to any tags (even if there are already 5) ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

What action to take on a question that should be community wiki?

It is unclear to me whether I should: leave a comment on the question that it should be CW add a CW tag to the question edit the question and put "Should be community wiki" at the top flag the post ...
RedFilter's user avatar
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Add option to flag posts for migration

Would an option of flagging questions as needing Migration in addition to the the Offensive and Spam categories help the moderators in triaging flagged questions more efficiently? All of the posts I ...
Sim's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Is "belongs-on-serverfault" a real tag?

I mean, really. I like ice cream, but you don't see me making an i-like-ice-cream tag on SO. If it really belongs on ServerFault, can't I be trusted to figure that out on my own?
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7 votes
2 answers

How to handle un-retaggable and vague questions?

Some questions can obviously be re-tagged to the benefit of all. For example, if you recognize a question as "WPF" specific and it's not tagged "WPF", it's easy to add the tag. But there are many ...
BillW's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to retag migrated questions?

In the moderation tools on Stack Overflow, I found a question introducing a new tag: [excell]. Obviously a typo. But I can't retag it because it was migrated to Super User and apparently deleted ...
Nadia's user avatar
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2 answers

Making people with close permissions aware of certain questions

While some questions that need closing are easy to spot, others are less so. For example, a perfectly valid question that belongs on another site. It won't get much activity since no one can answer it....
Blixt's user avatar
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Blacklist [not-programming-related] [closed]

This is a duplicate of Can we disallow the use of “belongs-on-xxxxxxx” and “not-programming-related” tags?, but I'm bringing it up again because it sounded last time like "We would blacklist this if ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar