Linked Questions

5 votes
1 answer

10K tool request: newly available for deletion

Using the 10K tools, I can see newly closed questions, newly deleted questions, and questions with delete votes. What would be useful, though, is questions that have only recently become eligible for ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should I change an answered question's title to make it more general?

Say I have this question and its answers C++ convert int and string to char*.. And then this question is asked C++ converting an int to an array of chars? Would it make sense to alter the title ...
Preet Sangha's user avatar
-2 votes
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Deletion/merger of a particular duplicate question [closed]

It is known that deletion of duplicate questions is not encouraged, but in this particular case, I feel that the question needs to be either deleted or merged with its duplicate. The question in ...
Rahul's user avatar
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3 votes
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"Nevermind, I forgot to include X library in my code"

This is RE: Closing changes: [on hold], unclear, too broad, opinion-based, off-topic reasons, bye-bye to Too Localized On SO, I see questions a lot that are resolved because of a trivial proplem, ...
Brigand's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can we make completed feature-request posts appear when searching for information about the feature?

Often, in order to discover information about the functionality of the Stack Exchange software, I search here on Meta. For example, recently I had a question about flags. I found the answer to my ...
ais523's user avatar
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4 votes
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Should the wiki page for moderator-tools privileges contain a message about not deleting duplicates?

I think the wiki page for moderator tools privileges should contain a note about not deleting duplicates and the reasons why having duplicates is actually a good thing. I don't have edit privileges ...
Simon P Stevens's user avatar
2 votes
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What actions/interactions cause a question to move to the top of the list? [duplicate]

What actions or interaction on a question cause it to move up / timestamp refresh? For example, I know that for the following... Posting an answer (yes) Voting up a comment (no) Flagging the question ...
Andrew Mao's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Feature Request: Keep Title bar on Top [duplicate]

It would be awesome if the top bar stays always on top, so if i scrolled down it doesn't disappear.. See YouTube as an Example.
OverCoder's user avatar
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Is there a way to know how long is left until I can post another question? [duplicate]

When I try to add a second question to a S.E. community and get this: It makes me a bit depressed. S.E. has great design and UX but I really wish there was a little counter to tell you when you can ...
MicroMachine's user avatar

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