Linked Questions

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Sort my questions [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “Unanswered” question sort order on profile pages Under the questions tab on my profile I can sort my questions with these options: views newest activity votes ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Why there's no 'unanswered' order option in another user's questions? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “Unanswered” question sort order on profile pages I am wondering why when I view another user's profile and go to questions there's no option to order his ...
user823738's user avatar
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Can we have an "unanswered" option on the Profile > Questions page? [duplicate]

After a while you start getting to the point where you've asked a lot of questions - finding the ones that don't have an answer starts to become a little laborious. I currently only have 11 pages of ...
Flyk's user avatar
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43 answers

My God—it's full of unicorns [closed]

Based on this comment, I have started building a unicorn avatar maker. It's still quite ugly, and the results aren't different enough yet, but this is what it looks like so far: Question list / Joel's ...
48 votes
1 answer

HREF Overflow: A tool to find cross-references between the trilogy sites [closed]

Update 2010/04/25: A built-in feature like this seems to be around the corner. Note the "Linked" column on the right – this has been deployed exprimentally on Meta, but I suspect it won't be ...
balpha's user avatar
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Sort questions in user profile by "Unaccepted" or "Date accepted"

I think this would go a long way towards encouraging question acceptance, especially if it were the default sorting method. Take this user, for instance. He has (at the time of writing) a 54% ...
Andy E's user avatar
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What about add a "unanswered questions" tab to the user page? [duplicate]

What about add a "unanswered questions" tab to the user page? So I can see my questions that are not answered easily.
Student's user avatar
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Profile: add an open questions filter option?

The StackOverflow question list looks like this (on my profile): I would like to filter out the "open" questions. Is this possible? Can this feature be created?
Kees C. Bakker's user avatar
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I'd like to be able to see all of my unanswered questions in my questions profile [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Sort questions in user profile by “Unaccepted” or “Date accepted” I'd like to be able to sort the questions in my profile by whether or not I have a ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Ability to sort by Unanswered / Answered

Hi, I like to have a high accept rate. This is in regards to our own questions. Not sitewide. However, as I amass a significant # of questions I don't have time to fudge through the ones that still ...
unixman83's user avatar
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