Linked Questions

0 votes
1 answer

Give other users a bit of your reputation (to say thankyou for an epic answer for which 10 is surely not enough) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Post-factum bounty? How come no option to ‘tip’ answerers? I understand this could lead to possible corrupt behavior, but no more than the ability to create ...
orokusaki's user avatar
  • 470
-2 votes
2 answers

Add "Donate" to Member [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How come no option to ‘tip’ answerers? Just an idea and im sure the the developers have come across the idea but i was just bringing up the thought again and ...
RobertPitt's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Instant reputation award [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Can the bounty system be used as a reward system? How come no option to 'tip' answerers? I asked this question. The question itself is probably not very interesting ...
Ladislav Mrnka's user avatar
11 votes
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Super-hero recognition

I just spent an hour collaborating with a user (never before encountered, in a different country) who helped with four different jsFiddles and several code examples while helping me resolve my problem....
cssyphus's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Tip Feature for Helpful Chatters/Commenters

Tipping on good answers has been dealt before, so I'm not suggesting that here. And, of course, we are able to pass on a few rep at any time to a deserving person. Nothing wrong with that option, ...
TCPMAN.EXE's user avatar
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Can the bounty system be used as a reward system?

Here's an example In the case linked to above the question was asked and an accepted answer was chosen. Addtionally, a bounty was placed on the question and also awarded to another user. All of this ...
John Conde's user avatar
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When to mark something vague as an answer?

I wish I could mark something as 'half an answer'. In Practical (Django) Caching Strategy & Implementation? Cache long, Invalidate cache upon data change, I ask a rather vague question, and get ...
Dave's user avatar
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4 votes
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Give posts a tip jar

There have been some questions with users expressing their confusion about the fact that the bounty system gives you the option to "Reward existing answers" but you have to wait a full day, anyway (1,...
Raphael's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to distinguish and reward good posts on obscure topics

I've started several threads on SO about "Windows Identity Foundation" because I've been programming with WIF for some time. Oftentimes, I end up answering my own question months after I make my ...
Vivian River's user avatar
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3 votes
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Give reputation points to another user for their efforts?

I ran into a situation recently where I posted a question and a specific individual put in a LOT of effort to try and help me resolve the problem, but never actually found a solution. In situations ...
Paul Abbott's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Suggestion: Allow users accepting answers to allocate some of their rep to the answerer [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How does the bounty system work? Post-factum bounty? I ask questions pretty regularly on stack overflow, and have got some really great answers. Like the bounty scheme, ...
SmacL's user avatar
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8 votes
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Need a new "award" bounty

Problem: Now that subsequent bounties on a given question have to be greater than the previous bounty, there is no way to reward multiple good answers that weren't chosen as the accepted answer, but ...
Pollyanna's user avatar
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