Linked Questions

116 votes
1 answer

This community is the Stack Exchange network

I am relatively new to the Stack Exchange network, I've only been active on Stack Overflow for a few months now. I must say, I have been consistently amazed by this community and everything it does. ...
MissSkooter stands w Palestine's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

Let us go to the timeline of the post from homepage

This is how the homepage looks like: Beside the username, we have words like "asked", "answered", "modified", + date and time. When the mouse pointer is over those words,...
Random Person's user avatar
-278 votes
65 answers

Revisiting the "Hot Network Questions" feature, what are our shared goals for having it?

Thanks for your input here and elsewhere on Meta. Please see the results of this discussion on the update post: Updating the Hot Network Questions List - now with a bit more network and a little less &...
user avatar
-676 votes
71 answers

An apology to our community, and next steps

I’m David Fullerton, Stack Overflow’s CTO, responsible for the product, engineering, and community teams. I joined Stack Overflow in 2010 because I believed in the vision and mission of Stack ...
user avatar
-339 votes
2 answers

What is the network policy regarding AI Generated content? [closed]

Earlier this week, Stack Exchange released guidance to moderators on how to moderate AI Generated content. What does this guidance include?
Philippe's user avatar
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-564 votes
46 answers

We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows

Update This experiment has been graduated. The new styling for vote arrows is now live across the Stack Exchange network. About a year ago, the Product team, focused on improving the general ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
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