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Area 51 topbar throws an error when trying to load the achievements [duplicate]

While trying to load the achievements dialog on any area51 page, it shows a dialog with the following error message: Browser is Chrome 58.0.3029.96 on Windows 8.1, with HTTPS Everywhere (although ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Achievements tab isn't working in Area 51

When I try to bring down the Achievements tab in Area 51, it's showing an error dialogue. Strangely enough, the global inbox dropdown works just fine. Could be connected to this issue. Screenshot:
Nissa's user avatar
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Inbox, Achievements sections are not responding when no entry in the "reputation" tab in Area 51

When selecting the "reputation" tab, if there is no entry in it and clicking on the Inbox and Achievements section, they are not responding in the Area 51 page. GIF for the same: Update: When ...
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