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Questions tagged [comment-replies]

For questions about comment @replies, also called pings.

4 questions from the last 365 days
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No longer pinged after comments were moved to chat, despite an explicit @reply

I have been participating in a discussion of an answer on the Physics Stack Exchange. Until now, I have been receiving pings to my inbox whenever a new comment was addressed to me with an @reply. ...
sdenham's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Why do some comment replies using the @username convention fail to work? [closed]

When I reply to a comment, I try to follow the @username convention. It almost always works fine. But sometimes it doesn’t work: i.e., I have to type out the username because it fails to appear in an ...
76987's user avatar
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2 votes
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Comment @reply name suggestions are missing from review queues

Normally when I type a comment and type @ followed by the first letters of the name of another commenter, there will be an autocomplete suggestion that I can press Tab to accept: However, I have just ...
CPlus's user avatar
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Why doesn't the username in mentions not get auto-edited when the original one does? [duplicate]

I used to go by "d4rk4ng31" (um, as you might have already guessed, silly teenage years) which then I changed (long back, but I just noticed this as I am not a very active member anymore). I ...
kesarling's user avatar
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