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Questions tagged [database-design]

For question about the design of the databases used by Stack Exchange. Consider adding the tag [database] or [architecture] as well. Do not use for database design questions in other contexts.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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5 votes
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How are votes calculated on Stack Overflow

As far as I understand SO keeps votes in a separate table and calculates the post votes based on that data. So DB query can look like this assuming votes can be 1/-1. SELECT SUM(value) FROM votes ...
Tamerlane's user avatar
  • 493
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Where are the user's notifications stored?

Looking at the Stackoverflow's DB architecture, I wonder where does each user's notification get stored? For instance, someone answers a post I created, I am notified about it thanks to the top-bar ...
Mik378's user avatar
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How are network site user profiles linked?

This is a technical question aimed at the Stack Exchange developers I'm wondering about the database storage of each Stack Exchange site. Is each site stored in it's own database? Mainly however, ...
Peter Bridger's user avatar