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Allow gold badge users to "propose" duplicates, to give the author a chance to contest the proposed duplicate

Please note: this is not a duplicate of How Do I Opt Out of Privileges?, which asks to give gold tag badge holders the ability to cast normal close votes in case they're not sure of their vote. I ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
3 votes
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Dupehammer: don't just automatically close a question, give the Wielder a choice of whether to use Great Power [duplicate]

I just voted to close a question as a duplicate. There were previously no other votes to close. After I voted to close, the question was closed. This puzzled me for a second, and then I realized it ...
Jason S's user avatar
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10 votes
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The powerfullest ever mod, or: do we really need to display the gold badge icon after a user receives a diamond?

That's what happens if a user who is gold-badge-holder dupehammers a question and then finds somewhere a spare diamond: Looks great, I must say. But what's the need? I think that the badge icon ...
nicael's user avatar
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