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62 votes
8 answers

How can one appropriately and constructively criticize or complain about a Stack Exchange employee on Meta Stack Exchange?

Related: Is this an appropriate place to call for the resignation of an SO employee? In an answer to the question above, Shog9 ♦ mentioned that calling for a staff member's immediate removal can be ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
532 votes
8 answers

SE Inc. Director of Public Q&A retweets bad-faith, misrepresentative tweet

As we all know, SE Inc. has engaged in highly problematic and widely criticized actions against the SE community and specific moderators. Earlier today (Oct 11th, 2019), Ms. Sara Chipps, "...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 26.9k
77 votes
4 answers

Avoid "shipping" news on a Friday evening

We learned (or were painfully reminded, rather) to never ship at 6 PM (EDT) on a Friday. We didn’t follow that rule last week and as a result there was a lot of confusion over the weekend. Even more, ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar