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Tag usage per site appears truncated in filter creation

When creating a tag filter, Stack Exchange displays how often this particular tag is used at various sites. However, this number appears truncated due to long site names: In the screenshot, the ...
gerrit's user avatar
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5 votes
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Filter sites are not responsive

Viewing questions from a global filter (like this one) looks like this on my mobile device: My requests: Please make filter sites responsive, so I don't have to zoom and scroll horizontally when I ...
Natalie Clarius's user avatar
3 votes
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Remove underline from hyperlinks in tag filter emails

Maybe I'm just being OCD, but can the underlining of the filter emails be removed? It is a lot more readable and looks a lot better to me without underlining, and it's not like it's difficult to tell ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why do some questions have an orange background? And can I get a list of the newest questions for all my favorited tags combined? [duplicate]

I've been using the Stack Overflow site for a while, but there are a number of things that confuse me: Why are some questions in an orange background on the main page? (I can't work out any logic to ...
Dean Chalk's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Inconsistent styling of [status-completed] in tag sets

There is an inconsistency in the display of [status-completed] in tag sets. The proper styling, judging from looking at the status-* tags across all sites in a tag set seems to be a red background ...
Rebecca Chernoff's user avatar