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10 votes
1 answer

Why can't I improve / reject and edit this suggested edit?

I just encountered a suggested edit on a post that is possibly spam. Given its score, it's likely to have a couple of pending spam flags already. What is interesting, and a possible bug, is that the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
60 votes
3 answers

Spam edit approved

Here's an edit that replaced the useful link with some youtube video: I'm not sure how else to go about flagging it, but clearly the editor needs a ...
Brad Mace's user avatar
  • 14.3k
33 votes
2 answers

If I see a spam vandalism suggested edit, should I do anything extra about it?

I just came across this suggested edit on Board & Card Games: I've seen spammy edits like this on multiple Stack Exchange sites. They always follow the same pattern: the comment is an email ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Why are suggested edits that were rejected as spam or vandalism not visible to users who don't have an account on the site?

This question links to four suggested edits that were rejected as spam on Gaming Stack Exchange, a site where I don't have any account. I was surprised to see that when I tried to see those suggested ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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12 votes
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Do spammers actually increase their Google "page-rank" from posting links on SE?

I've spent some time in the review queue lately, and I've noticed that quite a few bots/spammers try and sneakily hide links in answers/questions. Presumably they do this to boost the Google score of ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to report spam bots? [duplicate]

How do I report a suspected spam bot caught making random edit suggestions to other users' posts? I have seen a lot of this in the past days when reviewing edits, but I'm not certain how to react to ...
Lundin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why could I only flag this answer with an 'other' flag?

Just now, in the Low Quality queue, I came across an answer by a lovely lady who came to Stack Overflow to offer us all high-end escorts. I decided that "low quality" didn't quite seem to cover the ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Review queue identified post as spam incorrectly, but post still needs to be closed

I am going through the Close Vote queue on Drupal Answers, and just ran into a situation that I haven't encountered before. In the review for this post, is the text Our system has identified this ...
mpdonadio's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Multi Flagging the same post

I am not sure if this is by design or if it is a bug but it appears that one user can multi flag the same post. The answer below: Are there tours available from Seoul to the Korean Demilitarized ...
Karlson's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why Can't I Flag from the Low Quality Review Queue? [duplicate]

I just spotted a spam answer in the VLQ review queue on Travel. I wanted to flag but there was no link. So I clicked Delete and then used the history to get to the question and flagged it as spam. But ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.3k
6 votes
0 answers

Why did the review warn me it might be spam after I closed it as spam?

I just reviewed an answer on Travel. It was clearly spam and I flagged it as such. The moment I did, the review screen reloaded with the answer in red (because it had been deleted) and some stuff ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.3k